The seven volumes span Sousa's entire march-writing career, from 1873-1932, and offer free resources for 129 marches. Modern recordings, historical information (courtesy of Paul E. Bierley, author of The Works of John Philip Sousa), as well as full-band scores and sheet music for marches that are in the public domain, are all available for public use as a result of this multi-year project. The volumes are available for free download exclusively on the Marine Band website.
Teaching Hard HistoryOur youngest students deserve a truthful, age-appropriate account of our past. Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching for Tolerance) provides resources for elementary educators in this first-of-its-kind framework, along with student texts, teaching tools, and professional development for anyone committed to teaching this hard history. Grades K-5.
History of Dance 2nd Edition With Web Resource free download
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